Studies show that seven out of ten employees experience one or more legal events in a year. We are pleased to offer a group legal plan that will help cover the costs of legal expenses associated with a variety of needs, including document preparation and review, family law, estate planning, traffic offenses, and more!
Whitfield County Schools employees may enroll in the ARAG legal plan and access a variety of legal benefits. Covered services are covered in full at a participating attorney. Telephone advice and office consultations with a network attorney are covered in full on an unlimited number of personal legal matters. Trials for covered matters are also covered from beginning to end.
ARAG provides you with telephone and office consultations for an unlimited number of matters. Attorney fees are paid in full when using an in-network attorney. During the consultation, the attorney will review the law, discuss your rights and responsibilities, explore your options and recommend a course of action. Emergency service with an attorney is even available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. The ARAG Legal Center, an online resource with information and education, is available for all Whitfield County Schools employees, regardless of enrollment in the legal plan.
All legal plan members have access to wills, durable power of attorneys, and other related documents at no cost via the two options below.
When a participating attorney is used, services are covered at 100%.
A participating attorney list is available on the Resources page or by visiting
When a participating attorney is used, services are covered at 100%. A participating attorney list is available on the Resources page or by visiting and entering the code: 18471wcs.
All About Your Legal Insurance Webinar
Learn more about what legal insurance is and how ARAG legal insurance works.
DIY Docs® from ARAG®
With DIY Docs it's easier than ever to create more than 350 legally valid documents online that you can store, update and print - anytime.
5 Steps to Follow When Creating Your Estate Plans
4 Steps to Fighting a Traffic Ticket